When you’re a working professional juggling multiple tasks, it can be easy to become overwhelmed with digital overload. With the ever-increasing demands of modern life, it’s important to take time away from screens and social media so that you can stay productive and focused. That’s why entrepreneurs should consider taking a “digital detox” – a period of time in which they completely unplug from technology. Let’s explore the benefits of digital detoxing and how you can do it without hurting your business.
Benefits of a Digital Detox
First, let’s look at the benefits of a digital detox. A study noted in Greater Good Magazine found that taking a break from technology improved people’s focus, creativity, memory, and productivity. Furthermore, as Forbes notes, when people took breaks from technology for one day per week or more, their stress levels decreased significantly. So if you want to feel less overwhelmed and more productive, then digital detoxing is an excellent option.
How to Detox Without Hurting Your Business
Even though detoxing is beneficial for both your mental health and productivity levels, there are some steps entrepreneurs should take before completely unplugging. First off, make sure your team is aware that you will be taking some time off. This will help them manage any tasks in your absence before you step away from technology entirely.
You should also set up an auto-responder on your emails so customers know when they can expect an answer from you. Finally, consider using an automated tool like Hootsuite or Buffer to schedule posts in advance so that your social media accounts remain active while you are away from technology.
What to Expect with a Digital Detox
When it comes to digital detoxing, it’s important to remember that everyone experiences different results depending on how often they use their device and how long their break is. Generally speaking though, when most people start their first detox they experience feelings of restlessness since they have become used to having instant access to information online.
This feeling usually passes after a few days as people adjust to being disconnected from technology and begin to get used to a slower pace of life without screens or notifications constantly competing for their attention.
How Often Should I Digital Detox?
For some entrepreneurs who rely heavily on technology for their work or personal lives, taking even one day off per week may seem intimidating at first; however, this amount is recommended as a good starting point for those who are new to digital detoxing or looking for ways to reduce stress caused by screen time overload.
Once comfortable with one day per week off screens, entrepreneurs can gradually increase the length of their detours until they find what works best for them – but no matter what level of disconnection feels right for each individual person, it’s essential not to forget about self-care along the way.
Everyday Techniques To Limit Digital Overload After A Detox
Even after completing a successful digital detox, it’s still important to practice everyday techniques, like being selective about which resources get your time and limiting yourself back to tech consumption again slowly over time instead relying heavily on devices all at once post-detox period ends.
When it comes to streamlining your tech usage, it’s a good idea to look into options for project management software that will help you maximize efficiency in collaboration and team communication, as well as task tracking and asset sharing.
This also includes setting boundaries such as designating specific times during the day when checking emails/social media accounts, turning off notifications phones/devices, etc., all which help keep our brains healthy while also allowing us to remain connected to the world around us.
Digital detoxes offer numerous benefits but require careful planning before execution so that entrepreneurs don’t hurt their businesses in the process; once appropriate steps are taken however folks typically experience greater focus, creativity, memory, and productivity, plus lower levels of stress overall.
From there, everyday techniques can be implemented to limit screen time going forward ensuring all parties involved receive the necessary balance between tech usage and life offline. So if feeling overwhelmed lately consider taking a break from tech resetting your mind and body, recharging your batteries to get back to business!
Photo via Pexels